Camping along the Continental Divide Trail

The first time I drove the rig up five miles of narrow road to reach Brooks Lake, I was a little ill at ease pulling the ORV, hoping that there would be a campsite vacancy and...

Camping in a Cow Pasture or making new old friends

I’ve never been fond of the day after the conclusion of the Red Ants Pants Music Festival. It’s time to move on to our next somewhat planned campsite. I don’t have anything specific to do in...

Medicine Rocks St Park 2023

I didn’t plan it, probably because I don’t plan hardly anything, but this mid-summer sojourn has turned into a time to visit “old friends.” Not necessarily actual people, although we did meet up with friends along...

The “Old Friends Tour”… Pt 1

We’ve begun our summer pilgrimage to places that hold a familiar charm for us. The Princess and I are well-acquainted with this journey, knowing exactly where to pause for a short or extended stay, as the...

Ute Mountain Tribal Park……. Cortez, CO

During our spring adventure, we made a big loop through Colorado, starting in the Denver area, then headed west to Grand Junction for the red rock scenery and wine country.  Then we hopped over to Moab,...