Kettle State Park, PA or Poor Shower Curtain Management

Kettle Creek State Park in in Pennsylvania is the kind of place you can’t get to from here. Which is one of the reasons that make it a great place to explore.

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For us it took a couple of days to make the drive.  I have about a 300-mile a day driving range and I start getting crabby around 250 miles.  Let me just say right here and now, try very hard to never pull a travel trailer thru Akron using I-80 or any other large metropolitan area in the east.  Traffic is fast and drivers appear to take delight in not allowing anyone to merge into their lane. I need a bigger truck with some James Bond like accessories.

I have digressed.  We turned off of the interstate onto a small two-lane road best suited to a horse and buggy about 250 miles into the drive that day. Would have been a lot of fun in a little car but not in a truck and trailer that completely filled the narrow lanes.

Kettle Creek State Park is remote according to their web page. (see note above) Depending on the size of your rig it may be a little tight getting in and out of the back in sites. The park was full this weekend but very quiet.   Our site was comfortable surrounded by large trees.


This is a great place for kids.  A lot of the families brought kayaks and fishing gear.

The hillsides would be a fabulous when the fall colors are on display.

Kettle Creek

In the same general area is Cherry Springs State Park which is a Night Sky Public Viewing Area with an Astronomy Field that is open to registered users all night.

There werel swallowtail butterflies all over the area.


Further up the canyon there is good trout fishing I hear.  A friend we were visiting did pretty well one afternoon.


For all you really smart people out there, could one of you come up with an electric ice cream maker that is quiet?  The one we have spoils the serenity of the campsite with all of its cranking. Really, I am trying to enjoy a quiet moment while the Princess fixes dinner and the ice cream maker just grinds noisily away. Sometimes my life is just unnecessarily hard.

The noisy machine

Now I know that my many readers are concerned about the water leak under the bathroom sink discussed in an earlier post.  To remind those of you who may have happily forgotten, on the first trip of the year there was an intermittent leak that required a significant amount of time and bad language with me twisted into a pretzel taking apart the vanity and shower base.  Did not find the leak. Well I am happy to report that the problem has now been solved and the leak fixed.  Turns out that there was no leak to begin with but the water was from poor shower curtain management.   I advised the Princess of my discovery but she just looked at me blankly.


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